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Join us for our church Picnic at Sir Wilfred Laurier Park (Site #3)! If you have food allergies or aversions, please either pack your own picnic or get in touch with Michelle well in advance so we can make sure there is an alternative for you.

Where: Sir Wilfred Laurier Park, site #3 (Near the Zoo).
Use THIS LINK on your phone for directions from St Paul's.
When: June 26, 2022, after the service.
What's Provided: Sandwiches, chips, and drinks, as well as plates and napkins.
What to bring: Lawn chairs or a blanket to sit on; veggies or a dessert to share. 

13221 Buena Vista Rd NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7 - Site #3,+-113.5487136