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YOU are invited to a special celebration of the St Paul's parish community on Sunday, Jan 26th. Our 10am service will remember & give thanks to God for the saint whose name we carry, as we follow in Saint Paul's footsteps in witnessing Christ and offering God's Good News to the world.

After worship, the celebration continues with a potluck lunch. Come with a dish of your choosing. If you last name begins with: A-I bring a Main Dish, J-R bring a Salad or Side, S-Z bring a Dessert. St Paul's will provide drinks.

We will conclude with a program led by our Interim Rector on "St. Paul's: Past, Present, and Future". This is an interactive program in which you can participate, by sharing your memories and hopes for our parish, discovering more about who we are, and getting to know our faith community better. The more the merrier! Please plan to stay until 2pm, when we will wrap up.

Don't miss this opportunity to celebrate what God is up to in the life and ministry of our parish! No RSVP needed - please just come as you are.

"Christ makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." (Eph. 4:16, NLT).