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MARK YOUR CALENDARS! We are having our Fall Kick-off BBQ and Block Party on Sunday, September 8, 2024 following church, in the hall. We will have great food, fun games, activities and prizes! The SIGN UP SHEET for helping with this event will be available next week. If your last name starts with A-M, please bring a salad to share. If your last name starts N-Z, please bring dessert! It will be a good time to catch up with one another, and we encourage you to invite friends and neighbours to join us for a fabulous afternoon.

The next FREE Community Dinner at St Paul's is happening Saturday, August 24. Doors open at 4:30 and dinner is served at 5:00. We are planning a BBQ again! Please come and enjoy a delicious meal and good conversation with other guests. You are also welcome to volunteer by signing up at
Come for dinner and bring your friends!

There are still so many summer festivals in Edmonton over the coming weeks! This weekend features the Folk Festival, and next weekend we have the Edmonton Blues Festival as well as the FRINGE! Visit for so many fun recommendations.