Welcome to St. Paul's!

St. Paul's is a small community church in West-Central Edmonton. We gather every Sunday morning we gather in the program year at 10am, and our services are Livestreamed for online viewing. 

10am Service

We provide activities for and a separate room for nursing moms. Music is led from the piano and sometimes guitar. We have a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary and modern worship music. Our service is liturgical - meaning we follow ancient patterns of Christian worship in modern ways. We use the Anglican Book of Alternative Services to guide our services. Each Sunday's readings can be found using the Revised Common Lectionary. 


Kids are an integral part of who we are as a Church and are always welcome. We often have children come up at the beginning of the service to have a conversation about the week’s topic. We also provide a play area at the back of the Church that includes activities for younger children. The children of St. Paul’s bring together the various generations within our group, providing laughter, joy and important questions about our journey with God.


We have an ample parking lot out back and there is street parking around the church as well. There is designated handicapped parking spots at the front and back closest to walkways and a ramp leading up to the main doors.


We have a lift for accessible access to all parts of our building, including accessible washrooms in both the Hall and Lobby.


Really - come as you are or dress up as you like. We all come to Christ as we are.