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Please MARK YOUR CALENDARS! We are having our Fall Kick-off BBQ and Block Party on Sunday, September 10, 2023 following church. We will have great food, fun games, activities and prizes! The SIGN UP SHEET for helping with this event is already up in the church foyer, so please take a look at what help is needed and lend a hand. It will be a good time to catch up with one another, and we encourage you to invite friends and neighbours to join us for a fabulous afternoon!

Have you gotten out to enjoy one of the Wednesday evening summer concerts in the beautiful gardens of Christ Church? There are three more concerts this summer, with wonderful music to enjoy! They are located beside Paul Kane Park in the neighbourhood of Oliver, at 12116-102 Avenue NW. Concerts start at 7:00pm. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy an evening of music outdoors. *If the weather doesn't cooperate, the concert will be held in the church.

Edmonton’s waste collection program relies on our participation as citizens to know how to divide things up so waste can be processed properly. It’s worth the time to revisit the lists on a yearly basis, to remind yourself of “what goes where” and check how you are doing your part. For more information, please visit or call 311. Did you know: the compostable liners many people use in their small compost bins are sorted out at the compost facility and disposed of as garbage.