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THANK YOU to everyone who helps at St Paul’s! Whether you serve on a music team, help with coffee time, run the sound system, look after the building, make cards, or care for any other details here at St Paul’s, we appreciate YOU and all you do. It is wonderful to be part of this sharing community, and it really does take each of us doing our part, big or small, to operate the church and Sunday services. We simply wouldn’t be able to function the way we do without you!

It’s back again!! The St Paul’s Gingerbread Night is happening on Friday, December 1, 2023 from 5:00-7:30 pm. A simple dinner will be served, and our focus will be on building and decorating delightful gingerbread houses! Cost is $5/person for dinner and $15/gingerbread house kit. Please register with Michelle or add your name
to the list at the side foyer of the church.

This fall, St Paul’s has hosted a new initiative with a Community Dinner on the fourth Saturday each month. We have one more meal scheduled in this pilot project, set for Saturday November 25, 2023. These dinners will provide a warm and nutritious meal to our guests, as we invite neighbours of St Paul’s for a free meal. For more information, please talk to Rev. Myron or Michelle S. at michelle@stpauls-anglican.caThe Community Dinner description and
volunteer sign up sheet are up in the side foyer.