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Please join us after church TODAY for the Fall Kick-off BBQ and Block Party. We have great food, fun games, activities and prizes! It will be a good time to catch up with one another, and we hope you’ve brought your appetite.

We are looking forward to hosting our second year of St Paul’s Kids Crew! This program is for Grovenor Community kids (ages 5-12, grades K-6) that provides a weekly opportunity for kids to enhance their emotional, social, and recreational lives. Kids Crew will meet on Thursdays from 2:30-4:00pm as this is Grovenor Elementary School’s early dismissal day. This is a great way to get to know other kids and their families. Please pray for the families in Grovenor who would benefit from this program, and for staff and volunteers for the various aspects of this ministry. We are currently advertising for a Kids Crew Facilitator, so if you or someone you know is interested, please contact Michelle Schurek.

Grovenor Community League is hosting their Fall Fest this coming Saturday, September 16, from 4:00-9:00 pm, and they are looking for help with running the event. Although many of us come from different areas of the city, being present in the community where our building is speaks volumes to Grovenor residents. Come out to enjoy the food trucks, music, beer and wine gardens, and activities planned for the evening. All volunteers get a free meal and beverage – it can’t be a success without many hands! Please review the available slots HERE and join Michelle in serving our neighbours.

We are trying something new in our neighbourhood! For the next three months, St Paul’s will host a Community Dinner on the forth Saturday each month. These dinners will provide a warm and nutritious meal to our guests, as we invite neighbours of St Paul’s for a free meal. There are many ways to get involved, and your help is needed! Whether you can come in the morning to help make the food, in the early afternoon to set up the hall, or later in the afternoon to help serve the food and clean up, there are many opportunities to be part of this initiative. Our first meal is set for September 23, 2024. For more information, please talk to Rev. Myron or Michelle Schurek The Community Dinner description and volunteer sign-