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Indigenous Young Life is a new initiative launched by YoungLife, the organization that operates from the building to the east of our Parish. John W., Area Director for Prairie Region in YL, visited St Paul’s on April 28 and shared a bit about YL in general and this wonderful ministry in particular. Please visit and go to minute 85, where John shares the story of how this ministry unfolded. John has been with YoungLife since 2011, and has a huge heart for teenagers. As a member of the Metis Nation, he had some encouraging words for us in our reconciliation efforts:

“Relationships take time, and trust is hard to build. I know this church (St Paul’s) has a certain focus on reconciliation, and my encouragement to you is to continue to have those conversations, to have a listening ear, to be consistent, and to be patient with yourselves, because that is one of the things that I am learning in this entire process. It’s that you just can’t knock on a door and start having conversations, it’s more or less about listening, listening to these incredible stories that Indigenous people have to share.”