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UPDATE: This week we have a new development for our coffee time. Betty K. has volunteered to facilitate our coffee time each Sunday after the service. Thank you Betty! Additionally, some Sundays (unless there is a special Sunday such as the upcoming Confirmation), particularly through the summer, may be more simplified with the use of paper cups and the existing seating. This helps to reduce the drain on volunteers and the focus on fellowship. Sign-up Sheets will continue to be available to help with the hosting.

Next Sunday we are having a service of Confirmation and Baptism. Please plan to stay after the service and celebrate this wonderful occasion with all of us! If you are able to help with tables, dishes, and food, please sign up in the lobby.



In our consultations, we’ve heard how important it is to have some coffee times after our services for fostering relationships and hospitality for visitors and new members.

We’d like this to be a life-giving ministry, and are currently piloting a new way of organizing this. We hope to run coffee time approx. every 2 weeks or on special Sundays. Feedback on this pilot can be sent to

Please indicate when you are willing to support this aspect of our parish life. A Sign Up sheet is available in the lobby; you can also email the office when you are willing to help.