Good Day St. Paul's!
Here are our weekly announcements! At the end of the bulletin you can find information on this week and next week's ministry teams. Asher H. |
July 3, 2022 - 4th Sunday After PentecostPlease find the bulletin for the service in PDF format above. SCRIPTURE READINGS MUSIC
Community Corner for July 3, 2022Looking for fun and engaging activities this summer in Edmonton? For information on many events and playful things to do, such as Heritage Days, live theatre, or the International Jazz Festival, click Summer adventure awaits, close at hand! One of our neighbour churches, St Andrew’s United Church, hosts a wonderful urban vegetable garden and music events throughout the summer. For more information, please visit their website SPANN (Stony Plain Road and Area News Network) is a community newspaper serving the neighbourhoods of Grovenor, Canora, Britannia-Youngstown, Glenwood, and West Jasper/Sherwood. It is published by the Stony Plain Road and Area Business Association with the support of Jasper Place Revitalization/City of Edmonton. Curious? Please note: they are also looking for articles to publish!
Crosstalk Day CampThis Week!All kids, ages 4 (starting K) to 12 (finishing gr 6) are welcome to enjoy the fun of summer camp with us.
About this Event
Crosstalk Day Camps have been offered in the Edmonton area for more than 20 years -- a safe place for children to be creative, make connections with others, learn stories from the Bible and engage in outdoor games, sports and activities. Camp runs Monday through Friday, July 4 - 8, from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Cost for the camp is a suggested donation of $45 for full days and $25 for the half-days Scrambler program (children gr K,1). Campers bring their own lunch, a water bottle, sun hat, and smiles. A snack every day is provided by the camp.
Myron Away July 11–25Rev. Myron will be away and will not be available in the office between the dates of July 11 – 25, 2022.
Youth SummerNow that it is summer, youth programming will be on pause until the fall. As well, Abigail will be taking time off in the summer. If you need to communicate to the youth, please contact the office.
Arctic Say Yes! To Kids CampaignSay Yes! To Kids – Say Yes! to Arctic Youth NationThe Diocese of the Arctic is fundraising to create a Diocesan Youth Coordinator position. This person will reach out to youth across the Arctic to bring them the hope and light of the gospel within their context and culture. “In…the Inuit homeland…the suicide rate among children and youth was 33 times higher than for the rest of Canada” (Statistics Canada, 2019) God has already provided an Inuk man, Nick K., who is completing his training at the Arthur Turner Training School and has felt God’s call to share the gospel. His task will be to help churches across the North to establish places and groups for young people, and especially young men, to gather and hear the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. He’ll be involved in training leaders and mentoring youth. If you give online before June 30, your gift will be increased with funds from the Anglican Foundation of Canada. Give through Canada Helps at this website: and assign your donations to Nick K. for Youth in the Arctic. |
Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-12:30PM
Please Enter Through Alley Door