Good day St. Paul’s Parishioners,
I am just about to sign off for a couple of weeks so wanted to send a quick update to you all. Make sure to subscribe so that you never miss news from St. Paul's!
Also, did you know you can subscribe to the online calendar on the website and get notifications about church events? You should do that too as there are lots of things getting added to the calendar all the time!
Sincerely, RJ Chambers
Office Administrator
St. Paul’s Retreat – November 15-17 – Camp Nakamun
Final day for early registration is this Sunday, June 30!
As we have been discussing over the last couple of months, we are going ahead with a St. Paul’s retreat this fall. The retreat will be held at Camp Nakamun on November 15-17, 2019. This event is for everyone (singles, couples, families, friends) and will feature a wagon ride, board games, swimming, and whatever else you want to do! If you would like to register, please fill out the registration form (found at either door on Sunday). Please also note that if you register and pay by June 30, you will save some money!! If you would like to attend the retreat but finances do not allow, please speak with Rev. Myron or any member of Vestry.
Games Night - Friday, July 5, 6:00-10:00PM in the Hall
Please join us for our final Games Night of the season on Friday, July 5 from 6:00-10:00PM in the Hall. We will also be running a game “trade and swap” during the evening. For more information, please speak with David P.
Permanent Rector for St. Paul's
We are pleased to announce that Bishop Jane Alexander, has appointed Rev. Myron Penner to the permanent position of Rector of St. Paul’s Anglican Parish effective June 23, 2019!!
July Missionary of the Month: Scott and Olga
Scott and Olga have been in the Far East for many years. They are raising a busy family of five, the oldest who is now 14. Both of them are teaching in a local school and enjoying it though they did feel the weariness that sometimes hits at the end of the school year (life gets busy far too easily!!). Eli and Dana recently finished performing in their school's rendition of Robin Hood. Hannah and the younger boys are in soccer. Olga is still getting used to the demands of full-time work outside the home. Each week, Scott and Olga meet with their community of local friends for “growth“ time and deepening their friendship with HIM. They are preparing for a training time this summer in a neighbouring country. Please pray for more love and more of his power in their lives.
Crosstalk Day Camp
Crosstalk Day Camp will take place at Edmonton Christian High School July 8 - 12, from 10:00AM-3:00PM. Crosstalk is for kids ages 4 (entering kindergarten) to grade 6. This camp is a week of fun, activity, song, friends, and learning more about what it means to walk with Jesus. If you would like more information or would like to register, please contact the Office and we will connect you with Renée J.
St. Paul’s Small Groups this Fall
Please be thinking ahead to the fall, and think about becoming part of a new Small Group at St. Paul’s. As this would be a new group, it could be set up as the members wanted regarding what to study, the time, and place. There are many options – men, ladies, mixed, etc. Please contact the Office and we will connect you with Pat Stretch, our Small Group Coordinator.
Fall Activities - Mark Your Calendars!
There are already a number of activities in the schedule for the Fall and beyond. Please visit the Events page on the website and start getting these events in your calendars. We have dates set for Games Nights, Square Dances, Gingerbread House Making, and more!! Also, you can subscribe to the online calendar and never miss an event!
New Website is Now Live
The new St. Paul's website is now live! It is the same web address as before ( While not everything has been transferred over as of yet, a fair bit is already available including sermons every week since Easter Sunday. Please continue to check the website over the next few weeks as more and more information will appear there (including this very update)!
Picture Bulletin Board - Is It Missing You?
There are still a few gaps on the congregational picture board. Some of those gaps are just big enough to fit your picture!! If you have not already, please send in a copy of your favourite photo to the office in person or by email. Feel free to include pets in your photos. If you do not have a photo but would like to have a photo included, please talk to RJ over the summer and he will take your photo before or after the service.
Lost Contact Lists
As mentioned a few weeks ago, the Office lost the Synod Scene and Vestry Minute Contact Lists. So, if you would like to receive either and have not already emailed the Office, please respond accordingly.
Summer Holidays
St. Paul’s on Social Media
Follow us on Twitter at @StEdmonton.
Find us on Facebook at stpachurchedmonton.