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Good day St. Paul’s Parishioners, 

Lot's of changes since last week's update: the building has been deep-cleaned, we have a new website, we have a new email server, and it has finally rained!! With the new email change in particular, I lost some of my contact lists. So, I will require your response if you want to receive certain emails. More about that below :-) 

Sincerely, RJ Chambers
Office Administrator 

Lost Contact Lists
As mentioned above, the office lost some of our contact lists. Most we were able to rebuild without your help - but two we have no record of. So, this is the part that requires your response: If you would like to receive the weekly Synod Scene, please reply to this email with the word "Synod." If you would like to receive vestry minutes, please reply to this email with the word "Vestry." If you would like to receive both Vestry Minutes and the weekly Synod Scene, please reply to this email with the words "Synod and Vestry" (or vice versa). I remember some of the people on these lists and will add who I can remember but it is literally like three people...

New Website is Now Live
The new St. Paul's website is now live and can be accessed HERE. It is the same web address as before ( While not everything has been transferred over as of yet, a fair bit is already available including sermons every week since Easter Sunday. Please continue to check the website over the next few weeks as more and more information will appear there (including this very update)!

Church Picnic Potluck – This Sunday, June 9
Following a special family-focused service at St. Paul’s at 10:00AM on Sunday, June 9, we will walk over to Grovenor Park for a BBQ and picnic potluck. St. Paul’s will provide meat and buns. Please bring a salad, chips, or dessert to share. We hope you can join us!!

Meaning of the Cross Talk – This Sunday, June 9 at 8:45 in the John Room
With the Easter season quickly coming to a close, Yohana R. will present a talk regarding the Meaning of the Cross next Sunday, June 9 at 8:45AM in the John Room. For more information, please speak with Yohana R. or Gay G. 

St. Paul’s Spring Clean Thank You!
Thank you to all those who came and helped during the St. Paul's Spring Clean!! Your efforts are quite evident. Thanks again!! 

June Missionary of the Month: The Diocese of the Arctic
Please pray for the Diocese of the Arctic and the Rt. Rev. David Parsons, Bishop. It is a vast region, where clergy and lay people minister to people in scattered communities. Pray for good health and safety in travel. Pray for the Arthur Turner Training School, which reopened in 2016 to train clergy. Pray for resources and students. As many clergy are due to retire over at the next few years, pray to the Lord of the harvest to raise up new workers.

The Pas Mission Trip
A trip to The Pas is planned for the week of June 16-23 to support the Northern Gateway Community Chaplaincy and the homeless in The Pas. Please pray for NGCC chaplain Lorraine P., pastors Dave B. and Betty O., and the ministry team as they prepare for an event-filled week including visits to the correctional facility. Please pray for Gay, George, and Wendell who are planning to go, as well as Marg and Helen who will be leading sessions related to the Molly Project. A box will be available near the side entrance for clothing donations. 

St. Paul’s Retreat – November 15-17 – Camp Nakamun
As we have been discussing over the last couple of months, we are going ahead with a St. Paul’s retreat this fall. The retreat will be held at Camp Nakamun on November 15-17, 2019. This event is for everyone (singles, couples, families, friends) and will feature a wagon ride, board games, swimming, and whatever else you want to do! If you would like to register, please fill out the registration form (available in the bulletin on Sunday). Please also note that if you register and pay by June 30, you will save some money!! If you would like to attend the retreat but finances do not allow, please speak with Rev. Myron or any member of Vestry. 


  • November 15-17
  • Camp Nakamun (about an hour West of Edmonton)
  • Early-Bird Registration Due June 30, 2019
  • Regular Registration Due October 27, 2019
  • Price as Follows:                 
    • Single occupancy - $239 ($217 by June 30)                 
    • Double - $183/adult ($166/adult by June 30)                 
    • Kids (in same room as parent)                 
      • 11-17 years $78 ($71 by June 30)                 
      • 3-10 years $39 ($35.50 by June 30)                 
      • Under 3 years free 

Summer Holidays

  • June 10-17: Myron will be out of office. Office Hours will be Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-noon.
  • July 1-12: RJ will be out of the office. Office hours are unaffected.
  • August 3-21: Myron will be out of the office. Office Hours will be Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-noon.

Your Picture Requested
Please send in a copy of your favourite photo to the office (in person or by email to if you have not done so already. Feel free to include pets in your photos. If you do not have a photo but would like to have a photo included, please talk to RJ in the coming weeks and he will take your photo before or after the service. 

St. Paul’s on Social Media
Follow us on Twitter at @StEdmonton. Find us on Facebook at stpachurchedmonton.