Good day St. Paul’s,
Please see below for events and items taking place over the next few weeks.
Sincerely, RJ Chambers
Office Administrator
Church Directory Update
The church directory has been updated over the last few weeks. If you call St. Paul's home and would like a copy of the directory, please contact the church office.
Rethinking Apologetics Interview with Rev. Myron Penner
Myron was recently interviewed by Ruah Space for an episode called Rethinking Apologetics. In the episode, Phil is joined by Myron Bradley Penner, the author of “The End of Apologetics.” Apologetics is the defense of the faith, but in its modern formulation it may not be the most helpful form of sharing the Good News. Myron shares with us an encouraging alternative to sharing our faith where we don’t need to be a genius with all the answers, but people who have experienced and live in the truth, are connecting our story to the story of God, can listen well, and can testify to what God has done in our lives. If you would like to access the full interview, please click HERE.
Palm Sunday/Easter Choir - Thursday Rehearsals in the Hall at 7:00PM
If you would like to participate in a choir for Palm Sunday/Easter, please plan to attend rehearsals on Thursday evenings at 7PM. Please talk to Jodi if you would like more information.
Lent Study - 8:45AM on Sundays During Lent
During Lent (March 1-April 10), Rev. Myron will be leading a Lent study series called “A Gospel-Shaped World.” It will be an excellent companion to his sermon series at that time. Please plan to join us!!
St. Paul’s Table Top Café – Friday, March 13, 6:00PM in the Hall
Join us every 2nd Friday of the month between 6-9PM for a variety of table top activities from in the Hall including Games, Puzzles, and Card-Making!! We sometimes even have goodies to snack on!
Community Square Dance and Potluck - Saturday, March 14 at 5:30PM in the Hall
Please join St. Paul's, in partnership with Fusion Canada, for a Square Dance and Potluck in the Hall! Potluck begins at 5:30PM with the Square Dance following at 7:00PM.
Team Tomorrow Update
Please plan to attend Part 3 of a speaker series at Bethel Community Church to learn about practical solutions for environmental challenges on Sunday, March 15, 7:00-9:00PM. 14204 25 Street. Contact Margot if you would like to car-pool together.
Journeying Together
Journeying Together has moved to the 3rd Friday of each month 7-9PM in the Chapel. All are welcome to join Journeying Together for a casual evening.
Care and Concern Team at St. Paul’s St. Paul’s is in the process of forming a Care and Concern Team to help St. Paul’s parishioners in times of crisis. This team will help organize meals, visits, prayer, and other needs. Would you like to help in any of these areas? If so, please contact the church office.
Sunday Event Help at St. Paul’s
St. Paul’s is in the process of forming a Sunday Event Team to help organize and run Sunday morning events. This includes setting up tables and chairs for lunch events (Sandwich Sundays and potlucks) and possibly helping with pre-Sunday prep for Sandwich Sunday and other events that require an errand or two. If you are able to help with this sort of ministry, please speak with Terry Berard or contact RJ in the church office.
CrossTalk Day Camp
July 13-17, CrossTalk Ministries Day Camp and folks from St. Paul's and Christ the King churches plan to offer a fun-filled program packed with songs, stories, games, and creative activities for children ages 4-12 years. Please pray about volunteering for this amazing adventure through the Gospel of Matthew with kids. Please talk to Renée J. for more information or to find out the possibilities and places of need.
Picture Bulletin Board - Is It Missing You?
There are still a few gaps on the congregational picture board. Some of those gaps are just big enough to fit your photo!! If you have not already, please send in a copy of your favourite photo to the office (in person or by email to othe office). Feel free to include pets in your photos. If you do not have a photo but would like to have a photo included, please talk to RJ and he will take your photo to be posted.
Announcement/Bulletin Submission Deadline
The submission deadline for bulletin announcements is Tuesdays at 10:00AM. Announcements sent after that time will be included in the following week's bulletin (if the event has not passed by that time). Announcement emails are generally sent on a monthly basis. If you have items that you would like included in a parish email, those items should be submitted to the office with significant lead time.
St. Paul’s on Social Media
Follow us on Twitter at @StEdmonton. Find us on Facebook at stpachurchedmonton.