Good day St. Paul's,
To comply with provincial restrictions, we will continue to physically distance for Sunday services. Please maintain a one pew buffer between yourself and other parishioners and, if in the same row, please keep at least 2 metres from those from other households. Passing the peace will once again be done as visually passing of the peace from your seats. Masking will also continue and masks continue to be available for those without one.
Our 10AM Sunday service will also continue to be available online as a live-stream and Sunday's bulletin is attached here. To find our live-stream service, please visit our website and visit the Events tab and click on the “St. Paul’s Sunday Service” event to find links to our YouTube Channel.
As always, please read on for more announcements.
RJ Chambers
Office Administrator, St. Paul's Anglican Church - Edmonton
Community Corner for Sunday, November 14
  • A common question that comes up as we learn more of Indigenous history is “How could the church have played such a massive role in the efforts to erase Indigenous peoples and culture?” One aspect of this is traced back to the Doctrine of Discovery which was established in 1493 by the church. For a helpful 12-part lesson and study guide from the Anglican Church of Canada about this doctrine and its effect on us today, please visit
  • Please see the bulletin board at the side entrance for myths 4 and 5 that are identified in Bob Joseph’s ebook “Dispelling Common Myths about Indigenous Peoples”. Myth #6: “Indigenous Peoples get free postsecondary education.” REALITY: Only status Indians are eligible to receive funding for post-secondary education through Indigenous Services Canada funding - non status Indians, Inuit and Métis are not eligible for this funding. Eligibility is just one criteria. The student has to apply to the band office of their home community. The number of applications for funding frequently exceeds the available. Myth #7: “Residential Schools are ancient history.” In reality the last school closed in 1996 which is 166 years after the first school, the Mohawk Indian Residential School, opened in 1830. For more information and resources, please see the bulletin board at the side door, or visit Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. at  or the Indigenous Relations Academy at . You can also speak with Michelle Schurek to request a digital copy.
  • Annual Gingerbread Night on Nov 26, 2021 – This is set up as a hybrid event! Current restrictions allow us to run this in person for those who are vaccinated, we will also provide a ZOOM link for the evening if you prefer to stay home. Cost is $15 per kit (single house or small village plus extras) and can be picked up or delivered Nov 21-24. Sign up is now open with Michelle. If you would like to help with purchasing supplies, please let Michelle know ASAP (!

Sunday, November 14 Music
Below are titles with links to this Sunday's music selections. To access the song on YouTube, just click on the title:

Service Volunteers Reminder for Sunday, November 14
Music: RJ's Team
Sound/Projection: John
Service Team: Jackson Team
Prayers of the People: Gay G.
Vestry/Staff on Duty: Connie P.
Chapel Prayer Team: Dudley and Pat
Kid's Club Leader: Renée J.

REACH Grant Presentation for Sunday, November 14 - Pilgrim's Hospice
Pilgrims Hospice Society offers compassionate care for individuals living with a terminal illness, enhancing dignity and quality of life, until the end of life. With a whole-family approach, our programs also support caregivers and those grieving the death of a loved one. "It’s a reality that the better support an individual receives, the better their quality of life – right to the end. And for those left behind, there’s an opportunity to journey through grief and bereavement in a healthy way.”– Monica Robson, Pilgrims Hospice Executive Director. Please visit for a fuller description of their services and needs.

Chamber Music by Candlelight – Saturday, November 13, 7:00pm
Jodi Penner is involved in this concert at St. Paul's on November 13. The concert is free, but donations (cash and packaged/canned food) will be accepted for the Edmonton Food Bank. As the Alberta government still has a number of restrictions in place for performance activities, this group has implemented a pre-registration process and requires all to show ID and proof of vaccination upon entry. To pre-register, please Click Here.

Rev. Myron Away November 21-28
Please note that Rev. Myron will be away from Sunday, November 21 through Sunday, November 28. In his absence, Rev. Sue Oliver-Martin will be providing coverage for pastoral emergencies.

Kid’s Club is In-Session
Kids Club is for kids in Kindergarten to Grade 6. We get together every Sunday morning during the service to talk together, learn stories from the Bible, and do crafts and activities. We also have a few fun events together throughout the year.

Youth is In-Session
Youth Group is for those in Grades 7 to 12. Led by our Youth Director, Abbi H., the youth meet most Sunday mornings during the service. There is a calendar already available for other activities that are planned for the upcoming year.