Good day St. Paul's,
To comply with provincial restrictions, we will continue to physically distance for Sunday services. Please maintain a one pew buffer between yourself and other parishioners and, if in the same row, please keep at least 2 metres from those from other households. Passing the peace will once again be done as visually passing of the peace from your seats. Masking will also continue and masks continue to be available for those without one.
Our 10AM Sunday service will also continue to be available online as a live-stream and Sunday's bulletin is attached here. To find our live-stream service, please visit our website and visit the Events tab and click on the “St. Paul’s Sunday Service” event to find links to our YouTube Channel.
As always, please read on for more announcements.
RJ Chambers
Office Administrator, St. Paul's Anglican Church - Edmonton
Service of Remembrance for Darlene Robertson - Saturday, November 20, 2:00pm - On Facebook and YouTube
It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of our beloved Darlene Robertson on Friday, November 12 after a brave battle with cancer. We invite you to the funeral service to share moments of reflection and grief for a beautiful woman who emanated joy to us and others. Details for accessing the online service are below. Due to COVID restrictions that in-person attendance has to be by invitation only. We are tracking RSVPs carefully so we can continue to invite others to attend. If it is important for you to attend in person, please message Jim with your email as soon as possible. Every effort will be made to accommodate, but we have to see how the numbers are shaping. We also may have invited some persons with out-of-date emails, and so this will aid in that regard. Technology permitting, a slide show of photos of Darlene will be streamed before and after the service.
Place: St. Paul’s Anglican Church,
Date: Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021
Time: Reflections and Slideshow at 1:30 PM
Service at 2:00 PM Mountain Standard Time              
Facebook Page for Live Streaming
St. Paul's Youtube Channel for Live Streaming
In lieu of flowers, we encourage friends and family to consider donating to the Roozen Family Hospice where Dar received tremendous care in her final days: Roozen Family Hospice Donations  
Community Corner for Sunday, November 21
  • Please see the bulletin board at the side entrance for myths 8 and 9 that are identified in Bob Joseph’s ebook “Dispelling Common Myths about Indigenous Peoples.
    Myth #8 “There’s no connection between Indigenous unemployment and Indigenous health and social problems.” REALITY: There is a very real and observable connection between these things. Myth #9 “Missing and murdered Indigenous women brought it upon themselves.” REALITY: Decades of government policies have wreaked havoc on traditional Indigenous family relations and destroyed communities, leaving many Indigenous women and girls impoverished, demoralized, and extremely vulnerable to exploitation and attack. Murdered and missing Indigenous women did not bring this upon themselves. For more information and resources, please see the bulletin board at the side door, or visit Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. at or the Indigenous Relations Academy at You can also speak with Michelle Schurek to request a digital copy.

  • Annual Gingerbread Night on Nov 26, 2021 – This is set up as a hybrid event! Current restrictions allow us to run this event in person for those who are vaccinated, we will also provide a ZOOM link for the evening if you prefer to stay home. Please pre-register TODAY with Michelle Proof of vaccinations, proof of medical exemption, or proof of negative Covid test taken in the preceding 72 hours is required – remember you must have your QR code to confirm your vaccinations.

  • Our monthly TABLE TOP ADVENTURES (aka Games Night) is coming up next week on December 3, 2021. If you enjoy board games, puzzle building, crafting, etc., please join in! Proof of vaccinations, proof of medical exemption, or proof of negative Covid test taken in the preceding 72 hours is required – remember you must have your QR code to confirm your vaccinations.

Sunday, November 21 Music
Below are titles with links to this Sunday's music selections. To access the song on YouTube, just click on the title:

Living Hope

Service Volunteers Reminder for Sunday, November 21
Music: Asher's Team
Sound/Projection: Chandra or Yohana
Service Team: Heritage Team
Prayers of the People: David H.
Vestry/Staff on Duty: David H.
Chapel Prayer Team: Wendell and Nora
Kid's Club Leader: Margot B.

REACH Grant Presentation for Sunday, November 21 - Basically Babies
Basically Babies' primary mandate, as a registered charity, is to support newborn infants who are born into families in extreme need.  We do so by providing them with a "layette" which provides outfitting for an infant for the entire first year of life.  Each layette consists of approximately 110 items, including winter & summer clothing, snowsuits, sweaters, jackets, hats, mitts, sleepers, undershirts, socks, shoes, bibs, blankets, toys, storybooks, accessories and other essential baby items. We identify these extreme need families by partnering with local agencies who work on a long-term, life skills building basis with these families. Together, we seek to improve the current situation of families with newborns who find themselves in extreme need and are currently unable to provide basic, essential baby items for their newborn.

Our vision is to ensure that every baby within greater Edmonton and Calgary, that is living in a situation of extreme need, is cared for by providing a layette to meet their first year needs.  Our role is to advance and protect the welfare of infants born into families in extreme need through the provision of a beautiful gift of a gender-specific, cost-effective, baby wardrobe containing a one year supply of baby clothing and accessories.  Our desire is to communicate value, dignity and hope to the recipient families while strengthening the relationships and credibility between families in need and our partner agencies who serve them by providing layettes for them to deliver to these families.

For more information please visit

Laura R. is selling specialty, hand made cards as a fundraiser for Basically Babies. If you are interested in purchasing cards, please contact her via email at EMAIL.

2022 Anglican Church Calendars Now Available
Church calendars are now available for purchase in the foyer. Cost is $5 per calendar.

Kid’s Club is In-Session
Kids Club is for kids in Kindergarten to Grade 6. We get together every Sunday morning during the service to talk together, learn stories from the Bible, and do crafts and activities. We also have a few fun events together throughout the year.

Youth is In-Session
Youth Group is for those in Grades 7 to 12. Led by our Youth Director, Abbi H., the youth meet most Sunday mornings during the service. There is a calendar already available for other activities that are planned for the upcoming year.