Good day St. Paul's,
To comply with provincial restrictions, we will continue to physically distance for Sunday services. Please maintain a one pew buffer between yourself and other parishioners and, if in the same row, please keep at least 2 metres from those from other households. Passing the peace will once again be done as visually passing of the peace from your seats. Masking will also continue and masks continue to be available for those without one.
Our 10AM Sunday service will also continue to be available online as a live-stream and Sunday's bulletin is attached here. To find our live-stream service, please visit our website and visit the Events tab and click on the “St. Paul’s Sunday Service” event to find links to our YouTube Channel.
As always, please read on for more announcements.
Asher H.
Office Administrator, St. Paul's Anglican Church - Edmonton
Community Corner for Sunday, November 28
  • Seeing Reconciliation:
    Watch the documentary Reserve 107  
    From the website: When a group of Mennonites and Lutherans in the town of Laird discover that the land they live on is in fact the former reserve of the Young Chippewayan First Nation, they are forced to acknowledge the history that has brought them to their present confrontation. Myths, assumptions and fears are shattered as this old injustice is about to provide an opportunity for friendship and renew a fierce determination to repair the wrongs of the past.

  • Advent Fundraiser for the month of December:
    Community Outreach and Focus on Missions are fundraising to support Rev. Lori C. and the birth work she is doing with Indigenous communities. This work plays an essential role in healing, breaking intergenerational cycles of trauma, and cultural reawakening for Indigenous families of many nations. Our goal is $15,000.

  • Our monthly  TABLE TOP ADVENTURES  (aka Games Night) is coming up this Friday, December 3, 2021. If you enjoy board games, puzzle building, crafting, etc., please join in! Vaccinationsproof of medical exemption, or proof of negative Covid test taken in the preceding 72 hours is required — remember you must have the QR code to confirm vaccinations.

Advent Fundraising 
  • During Advent, St Paul's Community Outreach and Focus on Missions are partnering to raise financial support for Rev. Lori C.

    Earlier this year, Rev. Lori C. spoke to our congregation regarding her work as an Indigenous cultural birth helper to Indigenous families here in Edmonton, across Treaty 6 territory and beyond. This work plays an essential role in healing, breaking intergenerational cycles of trauma, and cultural reawakening for Indigenous families of many nations. It also provides direct, tangible, multi-generational redress for the harms done by our church’s role in running Residential Schools.The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action include: "We call upon church parties to the Settlement Agreement, in collaboration with Survivors and representatives of Aboriginal organizations, to establish permanent funding to Aboriginal people for: Community-controlled healing and reconciliation projects. (61:i)”. Financial support for  this ministry directly responds to this call to action. The first year of this ministry was funded by the Diocese, but it has since become necessary for Lori to search out her own funding, which has included grants; individual and family donations; and foundation and endowment funds. Lori has shared with us that she is very grateful to know this Advent project is taking place. Funding is close to depleted so this contribution will help her essential work to continue. Please hold her, her colleagues and the families they support in prayer. Our goal during Advent is to raise $15,000 towards her salary, which is roughly two months worth of work. Only together can we ensure the spirit and goals of the TRC Calls to Action are met and exceeded.  
    When you donate, please write "Advent Fundraiser" in the memo line of your cheque or e-transfer. For more information please speak with Michelle S. or one of the members of Focus on Missions.
  • Layette Activity: On December 19 after the service, you are invited to join in the creation of several small layettes for clients of Indigenous Birth of Alberta. New or gently used items can be donated to this activity on December 5 and 12, and a box for those donations will be set up in the foyer. Items that will go into the layettes include:

    • receiving blankets,
    • sleepers, onesies,
    • a bigger blanket,
    • pads (for the birthing person),
    • diapers,
    • wipes,
    • baby socks and
    • hats.
    Please keep in mind that newborn sizes typically only fit smaller babies so both newborn and the next size up would be helpful. The same for diapers. Sizes newborn and size one would be helpful. Gender neutral clothing is best where possible.
Sunday, November 28 Music
Below are titles with links to this Sunday's music selections. To access the song on YouTube, just click on the title:
Service Volunteers Reminder for Sunday, November 28
Music/Sound: Andrew/Dave
Service Team: B-Team
Prayers: Barb M.
Vestry: Margot B.
Chapel: Laurier B., Barb M., Kjeryn A.
Kid’s: Margot B.

Rev. Myron Away November 21-28

Please note that Rev. Myron will be away from Sunday, November 21 through Sunday, November 28. In his absence, Rev. Sue Oliver-Martin will be providing coverage for pastoral emergencies. 

REACH Grant Closed 

This program has ended as we look towards a new liturgical year. Thank you to everyone that applied and shared with the congregation the wonderful work you are doing in the community!

Advent 4 Choir – December 19
RJ is putting together a choir to sing two songs at the December 19 service. If you would like to participate, please join us for rehearsals following the services on December 5 and December 12. Each rehearsal will only be about 45 minutes in length.

Advent and Christmas Services at St. Paul’s
Sunday, December 19, 10:00am: Advent 4 – Lessons and Carols
Friday, December 24, 7:00pm: Christmas Eve Service
Saturday, December 25, 9:00am: Christmas morning service

Kid’s Club is In-Session

Kids Club is for kids in Kindergarten to Grade 6. We get together every Sunday morning during the service to talk together, learn stories from the Bible, and do crafts and activities. We also have a few fun events together throughout the year. 

Youth is In-Session

Youth Group is for those in Grades 7 to 12. Led by our Youth Director, Abbi H., the youth meet most Sunday mornings during the service. There is a calendar already available for other activities that are planned for the upcoming year.