Good day St. Paul’s Parishioners,
It has been a busy Fall at St. Paul's and I just realized I have not posted an update for over a month!! Anyway, we have lots going on over this month and for the remainder of the year. Please read on for all sorts of fun activities happening at St. Paul's.
RJ Chambers
Office Administrator
$5 - 5 Ways - For Buyé
Medical cards (covering 80% of medical expenses) for seniors in Buyé cost $5.00 but that is out of reach for many. If we each contribute $5.00 during coffee time each Sunday in September, we can make a difference for many in the Buyé Diocese. There will be a basket in the Hall for your donations. Please join us in supporting this Diocesan initiative!
Games Night - Friday, September 13 at 6:00PM in the Hall
Are you ready to play?! Please join us every 2nd Friday of the month for games in the Hall. Come learn a new game, bring your favourite to teach others, or play a classic with new friends! September 13 marks the first Games Night of the season.
The Ten Commandments and Beatitudes in Real Life - Sunday, September 15 at 8:45AM in the John Room
Please join us Sunday, September 15 at 8:45-9:45AM in the John Room for a group discussion about the Commandments and the Beatitudes led by David L. To prepare, attendees should read Exodus 20:2-17 and Matthew 5:3-10.
Ministry Fair and Rector's Fall Update - Sunday, September 22 following the morning service
Please join us for an update from Myron as well as a ministry fair for St. Paul’s on September 22. Pizza and salad will be served for lunch so please plan to stay!!
Myron's Induction Service - Tuesday, September 24 at 7:00PM in the Sanctuary
Please join us for Myron’s Induction Service on Tuesday, Sep. 24 at 7:00PM in the Sanctuary.
Small Groups at St. Paul's
Would you like to join a Small Group?! If so, please contact the office. In addition, there will be a planning meeting for a proposed new Small Group on Wednesday, September 25 at 7:00PM in the Luke Room. Anyone interested is welcome to attend this meeting.
Back to Church Sunday - Sunday, September 29
We’re having a “Back to Church Sunday” on September 29!! This is going to a special Sunday designed to be a little more “user-friendly” for folks who don’t normally come to an Anglican church – or any church at all! The hope is that each of us who regularly attends St. Paul’s will invite at least one person to attend on September 29. We want to practice being an invitational community and extending our community outwards. The emphasis is on inviting someone, not on whether they actually come (although it’s great of they do!). Please start thinking about who you’ll invite! Invitations are available at each door.
The Power of Forgiveness - Sunday, September 29 at 8:45AM in the John Room
Please join us Sunday, September 29 at 8:45-9:45AM in the John Room for a discussion about the power of forgiveness led by Nancy W-S. Come hear Nancy’s story and share your own!
Community Square Dance and Potluck - Saturday, October 5 at 5:30PM in the Hall
Please join St. Paul's, in partnership with Fusion Canada, for a Square Dance and Potluck in the Hall! Potluck begins at 5:30PM with the Square Dance following at 7:00PM.
St. Paul’s Retreat – November 15-17 – Camp Nakamun
As we have been discussing over the last couple of months, we are going ahead with a St. Paul’s retreat this fall. The retreat will be held at Camp Nakamun on November 15-17, 2019. This event is for everyone (singles, couples, families, friends) and will feature a wagon ride, board games, swimming, and whatever else you want to do! If you would like to register, please fill out the registration form (available in the bulletin on Sunday). If you would like to attend the retreat but finances do not allow, please speak with Rev. Myron or any member of Vestry. Details:
November 15-17
Camp Nakamun (about an hour West of Edmonton)
Registrations Due October 27, 2019
Price as Follows:
Single occupancy - $239
Double - $183/adult
Kids (in same room as parent)
11-17 years $78
3-10 years $39
Under 3 years free
Picture Bulletin Board - Is It Missing You?
There are still a few gaps on the congregational picture board. Some of those gaps are just big enough to fit your picture!! If you have not already, please send in a copy of your favourite photo to the office (in person or by email to Feel free to include pets in your photos. If you do not have a photo but would like to have a photo included, please talk to RJ and he will take your photo before or after the service.
Online Calendar
Please visit the Events page on the website for up to date information on upcoming church events! We have dates set for Games Nights, Square Dances, Gingerbread House Making, and more!!
St. Paul’s on Social Media
Follow us on Twitter at @StEdmonton. Find us on Facebook at stpachurchedmonton.