Good Day St. Paul's,

While we are seeing COVID case counts and hospitalizations increase, and recent changes making it more difficult for many people to get tested, the decision has been made by Vestry and Corporation to continue to be closed for in-person services. Closures will continue until further notice and will be reassessed on a week-by-week basis. Please continue to pay attention to your emails and to the website for up-to-date information. 

If anyone has been in attendance at St. Paul's while infected with COVID, whether intentionally or unintentionally, or attended while experiencing symptoms, please inform Myron or the office so that Vestry and Corporation can make good decisions. Any information of this nature is considered confidential and identifying information will not be made available to the public or members of the parish. 

This service will only be available online as a live-stream and we are not allowing in-person attendance this week. Our bulletin is attached to this post and can be found on our WEBSITE and EVENTS page. To find our YouTube Channel, CLICK THIS LINK.
Kids Club can be accessed through zoom HERE.

As always, please read on for more announcements.

Asher H.
St. Paul's Office Administrator

Community Corner for Sunday, January 16

The Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples is a self-determining community within the Anglican Church of Canada. To learn more about this group and how we relate to one another, please visit

Arts on the Avenue present The Deep Freeze Festival from January 14-23, 2022. Venues include Borden Park, Pipon Village (118 Ave), and The Carrot (a great little coffee shop on 118 Ave). Visit for more information.

Are you curious about how Edmonton is doing in helping citizens make ends meet? Edmonton Vital Signs is the publication of an annual check-up conducted by Edmonton Community Foundation, in partnership with Edmonton Social Planning Council, to measure how the community is doing. In 2021 they also focused on individual issues, Vital Topics, that are timely and important to Edmonton – specifically Making Ends Meet. Each of these topics appear in an issue of Legacy in Action throughout 2021, and are also presented here – the full issue of Vital Signs. Visit to read the whole article.

AGM Reports Due January 26
If you oversee any ministry area, please submit your reports on or before January 26. We look forward to seeing how God has been working through these ministry areas.

AGM - February 6, 2022
Please plan to join us for our Annual General Meeting following the service on February 6. This meeting includes key updates and announcements regarding the parish of St. Paul’s. We hope to see you there!

Coats at Street Entrance
There is a section of the coat rack at the west-facing street entrance that is reserved for storing coats for those in need during these frigid temperatures. If you have coats or supplies to donate, please place them in that section and notify Nathaniel or Michelle. If you do not wish for your coat to be taken, please hang on the north-facing alley-entrance coat rack. 

REACH Presentation - Fusion Canada
This week we will have a presentation from Terry B. regarding Fusion Canada. To find out more information, please visit their website at and watch their video HERE

Church Retreat - May 13-15, 2022
Our annual church retreat is being scheduled for May 13-15, 2022. Please contact Michelle if you are interested in helping out, hosting, or involved in making it happen!

Daily Morning Prayer
Beginning January 3! Please join us every day at 8am for morning prayer on Zoom, except Thursdays and Sundays. Every Thursday we will meet at St. Paul’s in the Chapel to pray and discuss Joan Chittister’s Wisdom Distilled from the Daily. For morning prayer, we are using the Morning Prayer Service in the BAS. If you would like more information, please talk to Myron or contact the office. The Zoom information is included here and is also available on the WEBSITE

Directory Update
We are updating our directory and email contact lists for 2022 and want to make sure we have up-to-date information for you and your family. Please do this even if your information is unchanged. Please fill out the below and give it to the office before the end of January.

If you have been thinking about getting involved in our church life and the services, please contact the office. This is a great way to get to know other parishioners!

2022 Offering Envelopes 
Envelopes are now available for pick up from the Office. If you would like envelopes or would like to stop getting envelopes, please contact the office. 

Kid’s Club
Youth Group is for those in Grades 7 to 12. Led by our Youth Director, Abbi H., the youth meet most Sunday mornings during the service. There is a calendar already available for other activities that are planned for the upcoming year.

Sunday Service Music - January 16
Not Be Shaken
You Love Oh Lord
Mighty To Save
Lord, I Need You
How Deep The Fathers Love For Us
Lord I Lift Your Name on High

Service Volunteers Reminder for Sunday, January 16
Music/Sound: RJ's Team / John - Tech
Service Team: Green and Friends Team
Prayers of the People: Carol R.
Chapel Prayer: Laurier B., Terry B., Kjeryn A.
Kids: Ryan Y.