Good Day St. Paul's,
With increasing COVID cases and subsequent risk, it is important to observe the protocols and restrictions that we have in place. We will continue to meet together in person, but are no longer singing together. Please familiarize yourself with the protocols in the bulletin and and on the website. This is all to comply with provincial restrictions, and to ensure the safety of others.
This service will also be available online as a live-stream and we ARE allowing in-person attendance this week. Our bulletin is attached to this email and can be found on our WEBSITE and EVENTS page. To find our YouTube Channel, CLICK THIS LINK.
As always, please read on for more announcements.
Asher H.
Office Administrator
St. Paul's Anglican Church - Edmonton
Community Corner for Sunday, January 30
The month of February is BLACK HISTORY MONTH, a time set aside for learning and conversations about Black History. There are a number of websites, YouTube videos and podcasts around the topic of Black History – please set aside time in February to learn more and discuss what you learn with friends and family. There are great resources at Edmonton Public Library and the Royal Alberta Museum has great info online, visit
Silly Pancake Supper March 1, 2021 – 5:45-7:15 pm Join us from your dinner table for the art of pancake silliness before we hunker down to the serious business of Lent. Indulge in fun and antics from the comfort of your own home! There are two ways to participate: You can plan and prepare your own supper (no charge to join the party), or order a Pancake Silliness Kit from Michelle for $25 no later than FEBRUARY 20TH (includes syrup, whip cream, pancake mix, uncooked bacon and decorations). Looking forward to seeing the silly faces you can make on those pancakes. BONUS: If we are able, we will move this to an in-person event!
Do you know someone who would make a great delivery person and has a vehicle? There is an opening with a small local courier company, working 11am – 5pm M/W/Th/F. Please email Michelle for more info,
AGM - February 6, 2022: NEXT WEEK!
Next Week at noon, 12:00pm! Please plan to join us on Zoom for our Annual General Meeting following the service on February 6. Please find the attached meeting Package or visit the event page on our website HERE.
Coats at Street Entrance
There is a section of the coat rack at the west-facing street entrance that is reserved for storing coats for those in need during these frigid temperatures. If you have coats or supplies to donate, please place them in that section and notify Nathaniel or Michelle S. If you do not wish for your coat to be taken, please hang on the north-facing alley-entrance coat rack.
Save the date: March 1, 2022
Keep the evening of March 1 free for our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. More information will be available later this month. We are hoping for an in-person event, and you will have many options to make it fun and connect with our church family.
Church Retreat - May 13-15, 2022
Our annual church retreat is being scheduled for May 13-15, 2022. Please contact Michelle if you are interested in helping out, hosting, or involved in making it happen! Our retreats are one of the ways that we build and maintain our sense of community and grow together in Christ.
Youth Retreat - May 20-23, 2022
Over the May Long weekend, the Youth are planning to participating in the Young Sojourners Youth Retreat at the Sorrento Centre. This is the week after the church retreat. The theme for the retreat, "Better Together," will be focussing on rebuilding the connections of our youth that have been altered from the pandemic. While details of the event are still in their planning stages, Young Sojourners retreats in the past have served to be amazing opportunities for youth from many Anglican dioceses to connect and form relationships that have led to lasting friendships.
Daily Morning Prayer
Please join us every day at 8am for morning prayer on Zoom, except Thursdays and Sundays. Every Thursday we will meet in person at St. Paul’s in the Chapel. For more information, please contact Myron or the office. The Zoom information is available on the website HERE.
Directory Update
If you have not done so this year yet, please respond to this email with your name/s, address, phone numbers, and email addresses. We are updating our church directory and email contact lists for 2022 and want to make sure we have up-to-date information for you and your family. Please do this even if your information is unchanged.
If you have been thinking about getting involved in our church life and the services, please contact the office. This is a great way to get to know other parishioners!
2022 Offering Envelopes
Envelopes are now available for pick up from the Office. If you would like envelopes or would like to stop getting envelopes, please contact the office.
Youth and Kid’s Club
Youth Group is for those in Grades 7 to 12. Led by our Youth Director, Abbi H., the youth meet most Sunday mornings during the service. There is a calendar already available for other activities that are planned for the upcoming year.
Sunday Service Music - January 30
Sing For You
Who You Say We Are
God I Look To You
I Give Thanks
What Love My God
Across The Lands
Service Volunteers Reminder for Sunday, January 30
Music/Sound: Andrew’s Team/Chandra
Service Team: Tillburn Team
Prayers of the People: Deanna K.
Chapel Prayer: Wendell and Nora
Kids: Renee J.