Good Day St. Paul's,

There are some upcoming changes to our COVID protocols as a result of changes to governmental recommendations, see Rev. Myron's letter, attached here. Please continue to wear a mask and familiarize yourself with the protocols in the bulletin and on the website HERE

This service will also be available online as a live-stream and we are allowing in-person attendance this week. Our bulletin is attached to this email and can be found on our WEBSITE and EVENTS page. To find our YouTube Channel, CLICK THIS LINK.

As always, please read on for more announcements.

Asher H.
Office Administrator
St. Paul's Anglican Church - Edmonton

Community Corner for Sunday, March 6, 2022
Please see our blog post HERE.

Tax Receipts Are Available
Tax receipts from 2021 are now available from the office. To save on postage costs, please pick up your envelope on a Sunday, or arrange a time during the week with Asher. Alternatively, if you are not attending in person, please contact Asher in the office at to arrange for it to be sent in the mail.

Your Picture Is Requested
In our parish lobby, we have a picture board of our regular attendees. It is now time to update it with those attending both in-person and online! Please email a copy of your favourite photo to the office. Feel free to include your pets! If you do not have a photo and would like to participate, please email Asher in the office to arrange taking your picture at

Lenten Embers 2022
Lenten Embers is offered over Lent and uses theopoetics to encourage growth in simplicity, discernment, awareness, and prayer. If you would like to participate, please contact the office or Jim R. at There are a few kits available in the church office for pickup. 

Tent Theology
St. Paul’s will be hosting a discussion with theologian Dr. Stephen Backhouse. Dr. Backhouse is the founder and director of Tent Theology, a project to help individuals engage with theology for every business, church, and network. These discussions will be happening over Zoom during the season of Lent. See bulletin insert for more information. Find more information about Tent Theology at their website:

Rosebud Chamber Music Festival
St. Paul’s is excited to host an event to have RCMF perform Joseph Haydn’s Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross for String Quartet. These performances feature musicians from the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra and will be an excellent afternoon of music! Date: April 16, 2022 at 2pm. Admission: Free. There will be a free-will offering received. 

Khair For All
St. Paul’s is excited to become a pickup depot on Mondays and Tuesdays for Khair For All. Khair for All is an affordable, culturally relevant food box social enterprise operated in partnership between the Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative, the Güd Box, and community agencies. If you would like to volunteer for distribution on Mondays, please contact Michelle at 

Audrey Keeling
Years ago, we had a faithful, lovely member of our church family named Audrey Keeling that many remember. Audrey recently passed away on February 23 at the age of 98. She died peacefully, and was a joy to all who knew her. A service is planned to be held at St. Paul’s on March 19th at 11am. 

Ladies Fellowship?
ATTENTION LADIES! Are any of you interested in an evening Bible Study/fellowship group? The current, but negotiable plan is for it to be held every second week. Terry B. has said she would love to get such a group started, and is willing to facilitate it for a few months. Our day time group is her “life line,” and she would like to see ladies who are working during the day, to have an opportunity for a similar experience in the evening. Our day time Ladies’ Group is currently held on Zoom, which actually works very well. If you are interested, please contact Terry at EMAIL or Pat S., or EMAIL

Church Retreat - May 13-15, 2022
Our annual church retreat is being scheduled for May 13-15, 2022. Please contact Michelle if you are interested in helping out, hosting, or involved in making it happen! Our retreats are one of the ways that we build and maintain our sense of community and grow together in Christ.

Youth Retreat - May 20-23, 2022
Over the May Long weekend, the Youth are planning to participate in the Young Sojourners Youth Retreat at the Sorrento Centre. This is the week after the church retreat. The theme for the retreat, "Better Together," will be focusing on rebuilding the connections of our youth that have been altered from the pandemic. While details of the event are still in their planning stages, Young Sojourners retreats in the past have served to be amazing opportunities for youth from many Anglican dioceses to connect and form relationships that have led to lasting friendships.

Daily Morning Prayer
Please join us every day at 8am for morning prayer on Zoom, except Thursdays and Sundays. Every Thursday we will meet in person at St. Paul’s in the Chapel. For more information, please contact Myron or the office. The Zoom information is available on the website HERE

Youth and Kid’s Club 
Youth Group is for those in Grades 7 to 12. Led by our Youth Director, Abbi H., the youth meet most Sunday mornings during the service. There is a calendar already available for other activities that are planned for the upcoming year.
Because of the ongoing pandemic, our services sometimes happen online only as needs arise. Information for in-person or online services can be found on our NEWS page. If our services are happening online, the Children's Ministry will be available via Zoom. More information can be found HERE.