Rev. Myron was born and raised (mostly) right here in Alberta, but has spent time living, studying, or in ministry, in Scotland, East Africa, the United States, and most recently Bolivia. Myron is thrilled to be called to this incredibly loving, faithful, and thriving parish at The Anglican Parish of St Paul, Edmonton, and it truly has become his spiritual home!
As Rector Myron is responsible to lead the services at St Paul's and to manage the affaris of the parish. So he preaches, teaches, and celebrates the Eucharist, as well as lead the Corporation and Vestry (kind of like a church board) in making sure everything in the parish runs smoothly, the bills are paid, and most of all, that people meet Jesus here!
Myron is deeply committed to the Good News that God has acted for us in Jesus Christ to love, redeem, and welcome us into God's own life. And Myron's deepest passion is to share that love and to proclaim this Good News through his life and his words, the liturgy and his work.
Myron is the spouse of Jodi and father to Abigail, Sophia, and Isabella. They are the most profound and constant expression of God's grace in Myron's life.
Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-12:30PM
Please Enter Through Alley Door