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September 14 is celebrated in the Book of Common Prayer as Holy Cross Day. The Anglican Compass describes it this way: “Each year, on September 14th, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Cross. Known as ‘Holy Cross Day’ in much of the Anglican Communion, this major feast reminds us to boast in nothing “except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Gal 6:14). It is clearly an important symbol for the church. After all, we regularly make the sign of the cross, and many of us bow to the cross in our liturgy.” To read the full article, please visit

September 16-22 marks the annual World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel. This is a time for people of faith-based communities and civil organizations to join together in for just peace for all in Palestine and Israel. For more information, visit Resources for observing the week are titled “Seven days, Seven Themes” can be found there as well, or ask Michelle S. for a printed copy.

Gender Equality Week is coming up September 22-28. The Government of Canada transformed the departmental agency “Status of Women Canada” into the new official Department for Women and Gender Equality (WAGE). Their expanded mandate advances gender equality for sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. This year’s theme, “Unlocking Potential: Economic Power Through Gender Equality” serves as a powerful reminder that fender equality is essential for a thriving and equitable society.  For more information please visit