What is Addiction? One resource that offers a good explanation of Addiction is the Canadian Association for Mental Health, CAMH. The word “addiction” is used in common language these days, and can be misunderstood and misapplied. From the website: “The word ‘addiction’ is often used to refer to any behaviour that is out of control in some way. People often describe themselves as being addicted to, for example, a TV show or shopping. Because the term ‘addiction’ is commonly used in such a vague way, there have been many attempts to define it more clearly. Addiction refers to the problematic use of a substance. The harms of substance use can range from mild to severe. Treatment options for addiction include self-help, counselling, medications and withdrawal management.” For more information, please visit www.camh.ca/en/health-info/mental-illness-and-addiction-index/addiction.